Romain Paris Garnault

Based in the Pyrénées mountains in the south of France, Romain Paris Garnault is completely self-taught. is work involves sculpting tree trunks to achieve functional and sculptural pieces. His process is deeply intuitive and spontaneous as he gradually composes the volumes guided by the unique veining patterns and qualities. His work is animated by the search for simple timeless beauty, and a strong presence that shows the inner beauty and individuality of each tree. No trees are cut down during this process, all parts come from the region close to his workshop and are recovered from pruning work. 

Romain's works are studies in what can be achieved from a single piece of wood. Expressive curvatures, cantilevers and naturally occurring splits within the grain are revealed throughout the course of this investigation. Romain's work displays a curiosity and reverence for wood as a living and changing material. His ultimate goal is to express a beauty that transcends time and cultural context, that persists even as trends shift and aesthetic preferences evolve.